
The Eldorai, initially known as the Elder Magi, are enigmatic entities who have crafted an alternate reality, Animus Regnum. This realm is not merely another cosmos, but a unique existence in its own right, a testament to the Eldorai transcendent understanding of reality.

The Eldorai perceive the interplay of good and evil as a complex dance, an intricate interweaving of light and dark. They see these polarities as integral parts of a greater whole, each indispensable to the other's existence. This understanding of balance forms the very essence of life and creation in Animus Regnum.

The Eldorai wisdom extends to the many aspects of the cosmos, particularly the three energies known as the Trigenesis: Ayah, Ichor, and Umbra. These energies, associated with spirit, mind, and body respectively, form the primary trinity at the root of The Craft. This system, created by the Eldorai, is a profound exploration of the Trigenesis, a testament to their commitment to knowledge and understanding.

As architects of Animus Regnum, the Eldorai have shaped not just a new realm, but all worlds, including Yggdrasil, the Earth, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe, and even the gods themselves. They are beings of immense power and refined wisdom, their existence a constant striving towards balance and enlightenment.

Animus Regnum was born out of the Eldorai desire for a realm where beings could explore the depths of their consciousness without restriction. It was their response to the oppression and limitation they experienced in their original societies. In Animus Regnum, the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom is not just encouraged, but integral to existence itself.

Traveling from our world to Animus Regnum is no ordinary journey. It requires either multi-dimensional technology or an advanced branch of the Craft that deals with spatial energy. This journey is a testament to the Eldorai mastery over reality, a reflection of their transcendent understanding.

For the Eldorai, the term 'god' is merely a title, bearing no relation to the level of consciousness one can evolve to. The first among the Eldorai, Efficio, was instrumental in the creation of Animus Regnum. His vision was of a sanctuary from oppression, a beacon for those seeking a more enlightened existence. Their endeavor was not just to create a new reality, but to manifest the ultimate freedom and share it with the world from which they came.

Eldorai are the founding beings of Magistri. They provide guidance and wisdom, but do not directly interfere with governance. Their role is to ensure that Magistri remains true to its original principles and purpose.

Eldorai are revered for their profound wisdom, their understanding of the cosmos, and their ability to guide without dictating. They are the architects of Magistri, having laid the foundation upon which the society stands. Yet, they do not rule; they guide. Their wisdom is a beacon, illuminating the path for Magistri, but it is the members of the society who walk that path.

In their role as guides, the Eldorai provide counsel to the Magistri, sharing their wisdom and insights. They are a source of guidance and inspiration, helping to steer the society in the right direction. However, they respect the autonomy of Magistri, allowing the society to make its own decisions and learn from its own experiences.

The Eldorai also serve as the guardians of Magistri principles. They ensure that the society remains true to its values and purpose, that it continues to strive for wisdom, unity, peace, and knowledge. They are the custodians of Magistri identity, preserving its essence in the face of change and growth.

The journey to becoming an Eldorai is not a path of ascension, but a path of deepening understanding and wisdom. It involves a profound exploration of the cosmos, a deepening of self-awareness, and a commitment to guiding others without imposing one's will. Mastery of Univoxa is essential, as it is the language that unites the society and facilitates clear, effective communication.

As the original beings of Magistri, the Eldorai are the roots from which the society has grown. Their wisdom and guidance are the soil that nourishes Magistri, allowing it to grow and flourish while remaining firmly grounded in its principles.

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