
This natura is found primarily in the throat and is connected to the thyroid and muscles in this area. It has a blue hue and governs the voice, power, and balance, giving us a greater sense of who we are and what we represent to this world. It gives us the courage to be ourselves and the ability to express ourselves in various forms. It is the connecting tissue between the mind and body, and helps us speak our truth with conviction, while also maintaining empathy for others.

To connect with this natura, you must find your own voice and by doing so, learn how to express yourself in an articulate way, while still being able to listen to others. Finding yourself and knowing who you are is the key to mastering this natura. There is no greater feeling than knowing who you are and having one's life reflect that. It gives you a sense of power and confidence through the knowledge of who you are and knowing you can assert yourself in the world around you.

This natura is directly connected to the health of the thyroid, so damage to the thyroid can cause harm to this natura as well. When iterortus has an imbalance, one can speak in ways that only misrepresent themselves, hurt others, tell lies, or some form of manipulation. Lying can damage iterortus because it's knowing you can tell the truth and making a conscious decision to not do so, which then causes damage to this natura.

They may feel a sense of hopelessness or despair when they get close to connecting with this natura if they have blockages. The main way to resolve this is to speak your truth, even if it's hard to do at the moment. This natura is strengthened through understanding the balance of all things and using the power of your word wisely. Words can create wars or celebrations depending on how they are used, which is why it's important to speak your truth in a way that is meaningful, instead of using words to cause harm to others.

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