
Natura is one of the main expressions of energy in the cosmos that can be experienced through beings that hold consciousness. It acts as a core for different pools of energy that govern various functions, keeping stability in the flow of consciousness. These energy centers are found in all forms of life, in one shape or another.

Understanding and being able to tap into natura is fundamental to being able to use the craft, being the cores of energy you draw from to use the many abilities that come with the practice. One of the most desired states of being known by many names, such as fourth dimensional consciousness, or astral projection, requires you to have mastery over the natura that are within you.

There are many different natura, and they work in octaves, where the sequence repeats and holds technically the same notes, but different expressions of those notes. For example, in the human body there are seven main natura that can be located along the spinal column. It's known that one can tap into these cores of energy through a process called meditation. Meditation has many different branches of practice, but it's still a part of the craft.

Through meditation, one can tap into their natura and understand its unique qualities. You can refine the structure and fluidity of that energy, giving it a more articulate shape and efficient flow. The process is simple at the root of it, but as you evolve in practice, things can become very advanced. Below is a list of the thirteen primary natura that can be found in most advanced life forms.

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