The Craft
The Craft is an ancient practice that is at the root of all spirituality and religion. It is also at the core of science and understanding consciousness. The Craft is said to have originated from the Elders, and this is where all the religions and spiritual practices came from. This is the source of all tenets, common laws, and all laws of physics, such as the law of cause and effect.
The Craft teaches the laws of the cosmos and serves in the evolution of consciousness. Every practice, technique, and rule of the Craft has a place where it can be found in life and is said to be one of the reasons it is practiced. The power of craft manipulation is used to manifest what one wishes in the material realm, from an object on the atomic level, to the manipulation of time and space.
I can even be used to enhance ones body beyond normal limitations, like humans who can bend steel with their fist. The Craft can be expressed in many different forms and has three base branches from the root. Each represents a primary aspect of the craft and how it can be expressed, those paths are Animus, Mentem, and Corpus. They are also known as Trinitas. the fundamental trinity of The Craft.
The key to mastering the Craft is balance and understanding the energy of the cosmos in all three of these aspects. If one focuses too much on one of the paths, it can lead to imbalance and can cause problems that can cause sickness, disease, and even death. The body, mind, and soul must work together to be in balance.
Those who seek the knowledge of the Craft must learn to connect with their own natura. All beings can channel energy from their natura, but some are better at this than others. As a person's connection with their natura grows stronger, they learn how to use it to their advantage. This is the way they begin to control the power of their natura.
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